Etiquette Guide For Dating A Thai Woman
There are a lot of myths online about what it’s like dating a Thai woman. Westerners’ perceptions of Thai women are that they are subservient, always waiting on their husbands, silent, and never complain. Thai women aren’t less independent than Western women. In fact, most of them, particularly those who choose to date foreigners, will not accept a position of utter subservience to their man.
Many people believe that if you have a large amount of money, you can have any Thai woman you want, but none of this is true. We all know that Thailand is more than that and that the country is also home to stunning women with gorgeous dark skin and luscious black hair.
It’s important to note when dating a Thai woman that their culture and traditions are usually more conservative than those in the western world. They are religious, traditional, family-oriented, and polite. Many men seek these qualities in women, and Thai women possess them in spades. If you are a man who wants to date a Thai woman, you must understand what to do and what not to do.
When dating a Thai woman, keep the following etiquette tips in mind.
What To Do When Dating A Thai Woman

1. Thai Women Value Family Above All Else
Thai people, on the whole, prioritize their families. They respect and admire their mothers, have a very strong connection to any brothers or sisters they may have, and mainly pursue their parents’ expectations and ambitions in terms of career choices. They might also plan to live with their parents as their parents approach older age.
You must respect and support a Thai woman’s commitment to her family if you want to date her. When you fall in love with her, you must also fall in love with her family, and this is the first rule of dating a Thai woman.
2. Stay Away From Dangerous Vices
A Thai woman will most likely check to see if you have any alcohol or drug issues, as these are both fairly common problems in Thailand.
Thai women prefer a man who has composure and self-discipline. She’ll expect you to avoid these vices as much as possible, especially if you are in a serious relationship.
3. Always Be Courteous
Being courteous, respectful, and being a gentleman are all virtues you need to possess when dating a Thai woman. These are easy to say but difficult to remember in practice. Don’t just think about how you speak; think about how you act not only to her but to others as well. A Thai woman is particular when it comes to a man’s attitude.
4. Be Prepared To Adjust to Cultural Differences

It’s wonderful to be in a relationship with the perfect Thai woman. It’s sometimes so wonderful that you forget you’re very different.
You may say things you don’t mean. Maybe you speak with a lot of sarcasm, but your Thai girlfriend doesn’t get it. Perhaps you love to make ironic jokes, but your Thai girlfriend doesn’t get these jokes.
Always remember that both of you come from two unique cultures, so try not to get upset or frustrated if there’s a need to explain something more than once to your Thai girlfriend.
Cultural differences can often lead to out-of-context remarks. Avoid making comments or jokes that could be confusing or insulting to your date, as Thai women are sensitive to any harmless comment. It is crucial to refrain from making derogatory remarks about Thailand as a nation. For real, how can your Thai date see opportunity in a guy who is so ignorant as to ridicule her culture?
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5. Be The Man In The Relationship
Even though things are changing in other countries right now as globalization extends its grasp increasingly more, Thai culture is, seemingly, still very male-dominated.
When dating a Thai woman, being the ‘strong-and-quiet’ kind might not be the best strategy because she may assume you are uninterested in her. As a man in a relationship, you must always take the initiative and have clear guidance and protection.
Traditional roles are rooted in Thai culture, and dating is no exception. In recent years, young Thai ladies are making almost the same pay as men, and have been known to step up to the plate of proposing a date. Even though this is entirely adequate in the modern dating scene, it is as yet savvier to be friendly, aware, and stretch out an offer to shoulder the expenses to your lady of interest.
6. Understand That They Can Be A Little Insecure Sometimes

Thai women are notorious for being incredibly jealous, even though they usually give you your independence. They sometimes have irrational outbursts accusing you of cheating with other women, and they are wary of any encounters you have with other women. But this is for a good reason, of course!
For anyone from a country where women have made clear efforts to be strong and independent for centuries, this type of behavior can tend to be a little tiresome. However, it is important to remember that women outnumber men by about four to one in Thailand! To make matters worse, Thai men are renowned for being untrustworthy and cheaters.
Beauty is a big deal for Thai women, and with such fierce competition, much effort is expended in this area, with most women striving to look their best every time they step out. So if you start dating a Thai woman, make sure to always compliment her looks and the way she dresses so that she won’t feel this insecurity.
7. Shoulder (Most) Of The Expenses
This isn’t just because you are a Westerner and she is only after your fat bank account (which is the thing that some western folks think, and it is essentially false).
Instead, because in Thai culture, everything is mainly paid for by the Thai man every time they go out on a date. Thailand is an inexpensive country, so your Thai girlfriend will expect you to oblige and shoulder the costs. Don’t worry; you don’t have to pay for anything extravagant!
Take her out to a nice dinner, see a movie with her, or give her a present. Nothing you buy will set you back a fortune, and trust that she will be overjoyed with simple things—it’s the thought that counts!
8. Don’t Pressure Her Into Intimacy

Contrary to popular belief among many western men, the typical ‘good Thai woman’ would never have sex with a guy on a first date. Most Thai women don’t even have sex with their partners before they marry. According to several ongoing surveys, around 60% of Thai women are virgins when they are married.
Intimacy isn’t a small thing for Thai ladies, so you need to be sensitive when discussing it with them. Thai women don’t like to talk about intimacy, especially when they’re on a date. So steer clear of inappropriate comments that could influence your date’s opinion about you.
If your Thai partner is a decent Thai woman, pressuring her for sex is the quickest way to get her to leave you. She feels she can do better than you because you seem manipulative. And, to be frank, she’s probably right.
9. Don’t Neglect Your Personal Hygiene
A Thai lady loathes a man who can’t take care of himself.
When dating a Thai woman, make sure you pay attention to how you look, smell, and dress. Thai ladies respect men who invest heavily in their appearance, and they mostly prefer to be with men who wear a good perfume or a light aftershave.
She’ll want to be proud of you, and she won’t be able to do that if you don’t know how to take care of yourself.
10. Never Arrive Late For A Date

Nobody likes someone who is always late. Thai ladies, among a great many people, value their time. Punctuality is an attitude that demonstrates consistency and commitment. Always be on time for any arrangement you have with your Thai woman.
On a Final Note
Dating a Thai woman, and fortunately marrying her, can be one of the most incredible things that can happen to a man. Being married to a lady who isn’t simply delightful but faithful to her significant other and caring for her kids is something everyone wants, except not every person can have. A Thai woman can certainly provide you with this opportunity.
Make certain you don’t jeopardize your relationship with her. It is not hard to understand a Thai woman, but if you are not cautious with your actions or the words you tell her, you will lose her.
If you haven’t found your ideal Thai woman yet, sign up with TrulyThai today and start your search!