15 Useful Thai Phrases That Will Help Your Dating Life
Learning a foreign language is no easy task; it requires a long time of steady practice to master it, and the Thai language is certainly no exception, even when it comes to learning useful Thai phrases.
But you’ve finally found your perfect match on a dating site like TrulyThai, and it’s exciting and wonderful at the same time! While you are thinking of ways to impress your potential Thai partner, it would help to know a few useful Thai phrases to say to them. In Thai culture, first impressions are the essential foundation of your relationship. And what’s better than impressing your partner with remarkable Thai phrases?
Thai can be a truly complex language for foreigners since it is a tonal language that only Thai people are used to. This is one reason why many English-speaking Western people who come to Thailand refuse to learn the language. Foreigners who refuse to learn Thai cite various reasons, including the difficulty of the tones, the speed at which Thai people speak, and the fact that life in Thailand is enjoyable even if you don’t speak Thai. Even if these arguments are valid, it’s still preferable to learn at least a few phrases, not just to impress your Thai partner but also to respect their culture and traditions. And if you’re looking to spend more time in Thailand, knowing the language can keep you out of a lot of tricky situations.
Take a look at some of the useful Thai phrases we’ve compiled to help you impress your Thai partner!
15 Phrases You Can Learn Right Now
Learning Thai phrases will help you better understand your Thai partner, and practicing it is the best way to truly master them.
1. “Sway mak”
The first thing you should learn is how to compliment your Thai girl on her appearance. This can be expressed using “Sway mak”
In this phrase, “Sway” means “beautiful,” and “mak” means “very.” You may also say “Narak mak” which can also translate to “very cute.”
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2. “Khun me faen mai”
If you’re coming up to a Thai woman, you may want to inquire if she has a boyfriend. You can accomplish this by saying this phrase which means: “You have a boyfriend?” Practice it often to get the pronunciation on lock.
3. “Cor ber tho-ra-sap kong khun dai mai khrup/ka”
If you’ve just met a Thai woman in a cafe, beach, or mall and you’d like to get in touch with her afterwards, use this phrase to ask for their phone number. Not only will you impress them, but you’ll be able to text them as well.
4. “Pai taan khao duai gan na khrub/ka”
Are you planning on taking your partner out for a hearty meal? Learn this phrase to ask them out. It translates to “Let’s eat together,” so head to the nearest cafe or restaurant so you can grab a munch!
5. “Khun law ka”
This expression basically translates to “You are handsome” and you can say this to compliment your Thai partner, especially when you’re going out to have dinner or just strolling around a park.
6. “Dtar khun suu-way mak khrup/ka”
Make your partner’s eyes sparkle by expressing this phrase which translates to “You have beautiful eyes.” When they hear you say this, they’ll be joyful for the rest of the day!
7. “Khun yim suu-way khrup/ka”
Complimenting your Thai partner’s smile can certainly make their heart melt, so express it to them using this phrase, which translates to “You have a beautiful/wonderful smile,” and watch them beam with happiness!
8. “Aroy”
“Aroy!” translates to “Delicious!” Remember to use this phrase to express your gratitude to the chefs, especially when you’re out with your Thai partner enjoying the affordable and delicious Thai cuisine. Chefs appreciate friendly customers who display great respect for their meals as much as they find value in the food they prepare. And your Thai partner will certainly be impressed that you respect and appreciate fellow Thai people.
9. “Tirak”
When you and your Thai woman are getting serious, it’s time to start addressing her by the name that Thai women adore. “Tirak,” which also means “my dear” or “my love,” is the expression. She’ll simply melt with joy if you call her this. But first and foremost, make sure you mean it before you use it!
10. “Faan dee”
If you are chatting late at night with your Thai companion, make sure to tell her “sweet dreams” before going to bed. “Faan dee” is a phrase that can be used to do this. That’ll make her happy, and she’ll dream of you when she sleeps.
11. “Sa bai dee mai khrup/ka”
This expression is asking someone, “How are you?” So if you are meeting with your Thai partner and she’s had a long day at work, ask her how she’s doing, and she’ll appreciate it!
12. “Phom chorp khun mak khrup/ka”
Let your Thai partner know that you really like them by using this phrase, and she’ll certainly adore that you like her.
13. “Khun ben kon pis-ed khrup/ka”
And to add another expression after saying you like her, tell your Thai partner that she is special. This is one of the useful Thai phrases guaranteed to warm anyone’s heart.
14. “Khun jà yùu nai hua-jai khawng-phom sà-mer”
This expression simply means, “You will be in my heart always.” Keep in mind that Thai women do not want to be treated like prostitutes. They’re dating you in the hopes of forming a long-term relationship, and while sexual appearance and intimacy are significant, they’re not the most important factors. Let your partner know how much they mean to you, and maintain a sympathetic conversation.
15. “Pom rak khun”
This is the short but sweet expression that translates to “I love you” that will make your Thai partner’s heart flutter. While Thai people do not say I love you as frequently as individuals in most Western countries, you can still say it when the relationship is just getting started to express to her how much you adore her.
That concludes the list of useful Thai phrases to impress your partner. If you are determined to learn more Thai, here are some tips:
- Invest in Thai language classes
- Spend more time with the locals
- Practice, practice, practice
To search for your ideal Thai partner, sign up for TrulyThai today!